How much money do you save with solar panels Australia

Solar power has genuinely become more popular than ever among South Australian property owners. If one of the things stopping you from converting to solar is the prospect of paying the price, you will be glad to know that you can incur huge savings as a result of a functional solar system.

At First Choice Solar, we believe in taking into consideration the financial capabilities of our customers when installing a solar system. So, if you wish to save, allow us to help you understand how to do it. If you are conscious of all the following characteristics concerning solar, you can maximise the amount you save from installing the system.

Traditional Electricity

In South Australia, property owners are incredibly familiar with the sometimes incapacitating electricity prices. The price of commercial power has been known to be one of the pitfalls of starting a business in SA. If the quarterly electricity bills are becoming overly expensive, you can merely decrease how much power you are retrieving from the grid by using solar.

While you may not be completely free from conventional power, reducing your daily consumption can lead to enormous savings.


You can stand to save more or less from solar depending on your power consumption. Commonly, homes and business that use the vast majority of their power during the day can benefit more from solar energy. However, by placing appliances on timers and being conscious of the timeframe when the panels are operating, you can maximise your solar use and therefore cut down your consumption of electricity – saving you in the long run.


Once again, you can further your savings from solar by ensuring that your solar panels are working at optimum efficiency. It could be as straightforward as cleaning, or taking notice of which angle best suits sunlight for your particular property in the preliminary stages. Optimisation is a crucial part of ensuring that you are maximising your solar commitment. At First Choice Solar we can help you determine an arrangement that has optimisation in mind.


The installation of solar batteries in conjunction with a solar system is a great way to save further. Solar cells work by taking the unused energy generated from the panels, to charge a battery storage system. You can then continue to use solar power even when the sun is down. Batteries come in different sizes and budgets; however whether it is marginal, smaller batteries can still help you save.

All solar systems are designed to help property owners save in some way. If you think those electricity bills are getting ridiculous, an investment in solar will allow you to recoup that cost over time. Call First Choice Solar today to ask about pricing!